Equine Anatomy


Horse Anatomy Images

Below are some images than have been saved over the years to the previous website they identify common areas and terms along with have information on comparative anatoy between humans and horses:

Screen Shot 2020-05-02 at 7.10.43 AM.png
Screen Shot 2020-05-02 at 7.11.30 AM.png
Horse Anatomy 3.jpg

Legend for photo:

  1. heel periople

  2. bulb

  3. frog

  4. central groove

  5. collateral groove

  6. heel

  7. bar

  8. seat of corn

  9. pigmented walls (external layer)

  10. water line (inner layer)

  11. white line

  12. apex of frog

  13. sole

  14. toe

  15. how to measure width

  16. quarter

  17. how to measure length
