Chiropractic Evaluations and Adjustments
Chiropractic Evaluations and Adjustments
Dr. Frantz was originally trained in chiropractic techniques over 20 years ago and completed the certification course offered through the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (ACVA). Proper training and an intimate familiarity with equine anatomy and joint alignment are all integral to successful treatments. As part of a lameness evaluation, horses are usually also assessed chiropractically to determine if an issue may be related to neck, back or hip areas and/or could be helped by chiropractic adjustments.
Dr. Frantz evaluating the lumbo-sacral and pelvic areas.
There are a variety of reasons that chiropractic adjustments may be beneficial:
Adjusting the Sacro-Iliac (SI) area.
lameness problems - primary or secondary
bucking issues
soreness felt over the back, neck and/or hips
training problems
a reduction in performance
reluctance to go on the bit, poor poll flexion
limitations in neck or back flexibility
problems with taking or holding the appropriate lead. Difficulty with flying lead changes.
recovering from an injury
Many of these issues may not always be evident or appreciated as the underlying problem, instead the perceived problem(s) may be misconstrued as training or behavioral issues. Of course not every lameness problem may require chiropractic work, but it is not unusual for compensatory issues to develop. The back, hip or neck stiffness may not be the primary concern, but in order for the horse to return to optimal performance improving overall flexibility will be beneficial.
In cases where a horse has a history of bucking, especially when this is new, a chiropractic evaluation including analysis of saddle fit will be essential. Adjustments, recommendations on saddle fit and the use of other treatments such as anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, acupuncture and/or mesotherapy may be recommended along with other therapies: Shockwave, Laser and/or Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES).
The number of appointments and need for follow-up depends on the individual case. Conformational issues combined with work related problems may require more visits than a horse with a more acute injury.